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Monday, August 31, 2009

omg teachers day was awesome today :D wahaha. photos on fb everyone! haha unglam photos of SO MANY PEOPLE. hehe. ok wtv. the concert segment was super funny xD althought i alrdy watched more than half during trg :/ who ask them keep coming to hall huh. humphs humphs! ystd oh xueling is epic. "what's brownie?" haha she dosen even know how the thing she's gng to bake look like. :D win win win. hehe but it turned out quite well, plus the cards, esp ms tsang's. wahaha. super pretty, the bears esp. today morning planned to catch her before she goes out and we did :D damn zai. early in the morning saw her walking to go there. lousy xueling din realise its her. haha sucker :P i told her it was, then we gave her the card. she was like eh omg so cute. how did you know i like this. then aft that i think aft she saw that photo at the side frm her fb she was like oh facebook. hahas we are the pro xD i bet its cos of xueling. we gave her the brownies then she was like oh so nice you all baked? sure can eat ar, no poison ar. hahas all xueling fault :P she contaminated it :D hehehe. ok aft that i asked for ms loh, haiz she not in. then tell ms tsang put on her table, gng to ask ms loh on wed or smth when i see her along the corridor. hahas ok aft that we went to hunt down other teachers etc. found therese ho and yingna then they called ms wu. omg so funny. yingna is so damn obvious. whole face turn red. hah. aft that went for aces. my shoes were ruined and super dirty! yucks la, muddy field. humphs humphs. then aft that went to wash shoes before gng for concert. haha. the concert part was so retarted, but super funny. hahas too lazy to elaborate. aft that class party then we went around to slack xD wahaha. aft that din go back aitong, went to fareast with xueling. eat slice plus crepe. hahah super nice. met cheryl along the way :O hahas then wasted time here and there cos me and xueling don feel like moving. hahas. anw xueling the "pro" made us walk circles. repair phone at wisma go to wheelock then shaw then realise wrong place. so lousy xD hahhaah

the past few days were super retarted too. haha post nxt time. im too lazy. busy tagging people in fb xD

Friday, August 14, 2009

busy busy busy :/ haiz. loads of stuff due etc plus exams. i almost died. hah. i feel so proud of myself today for gng for philo wor. damn good and guai ;D haha anw he was quite funny. hahas ok he's sadistic in conclusion. today passed super slowly :/ first block physics was argh totally horrible. super super long! then was chem prac. omg omg it was totally horrible please. thanks to the awesome xueling -.- humphs. ok partially. titration was epic fail. i think i did wrongly anw. argh, my results are like idk what la. the stupid burette wont listen to me also. piss me off la. the stupid airbubble won come out -.- wth wth! then i knock so many times, xiaotong and deborah all help me then all cnt so i had no choice but to go ask ms tsang. she is super scary. and the burette listens to her. this is unfair ok! ok whatever. then later i started titration and was a complete overshot. omg la. the colour change so fast. wth the pink was like hot pink already. rawr. i was so annoyed then decided to slowly do and everything. haiz but still fail la. 27.43. calculations was the worst can. omg sucks like anything. i seriously fail le for chem spa. really really fail. argh :/ i was asking deborah for help on ques one. then two also dunno how to do so asked her again.she was so funny :P haha then i think ques two while deborah teaching me jus nice she walk past then come yes me. humphs. then ques 4 deborah was teaching me again then she came over. so scary :/ i was super scared. but yeah i understood slightly. ok whatever. im still dead nevertheless. aft that was assembly which was not exactly interesting. then chi where we listened to pts. then that yuming. tsk. wish chen lao shi forget or sth else she dies. ok whatever. then later math as usual i wasnt listening xD hah then philo ces where we talked crap and kept laughing. hahas. then went out for lunch then wen lingyue's class to attempt to do hw. ;D haha fail la but i copied some hist notes. haha thanks sherilyn loh! then was trg. why does all chem teachers say spa is easy. ok fine im stupid la but still. argh. so sickening. trg was ok, played doubles. my shou gan is gone seriously. flew away. now i really cnt play properly. but yeah at lesat me and junze won all today. but still we almost lost to yeah. ok whatever. too lazy to post. have alot of stuff to do suddenly :/

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

opps haven posted for quite a while :/ hehe. exams jus over. ok three papers. well my three worst sub. math bio and eng. math was alright on the whole, cos i can do almost half the paper :P haha for the first time can. bio was ok la. din do very well but yeah whatever. i studied so much all nv come out. eng was the one. humphs. i wrote total crap. 5 whole pgs of rubbish. was constantly distracted by her cough. humphs. mr ang said own tr nt supposed to invigilate anw. humphs what rubbish man. she gave me a shock seriously when she walked in :X haiz. keep distracting me too you know. rawr. aft that wen to tp to eat lunch and go look for mr mao. winks. whatever hanzhen. stop laughing and get over it. everytime i say mr mao you laugh :O funny meh. haha lilin started it anw. hahas aft that was trg. horrible cos trg on thurs and fri too. im gng to pon seriously. im so tired of everything. hist pt undone :(

Friday, July 31, 2009

the next person that says he or she wants to get my bug is seriously crazy -.- hello any idea how horrible this is. its a million times worse than normal flu or whatever. first day with a fever of 38.1 when i woke up in the morning made me decide not to go to sch. aft that went to the clinic at abt 9 my fever shot up to like 38.8 -.- then saw the doc etc she was like saying how more than 80% sure should be h1n1, then mus monitor whether tamiflu works. if it does means it is. ok whatever. aft that went home. at home my tempt shot up to like 39.4. hahas lol super high. i took medicine and went to sleep. ok before that i had to force down half a piece of bread and half a cup of milk cos medicint cnt take on empty stomach. was totally horrible cos aft that i just vomitted everything out. and so i went to sleep. hahas i was aching all over when i woke up. was feeling so cold cos my fever hasnt gone down yet. by then was abt 38.6? then i decided to email the teachers. i half couldnt and half lazy to get out of my bed so i emailed with my hp. hahas emailed 3 2 replied. hee. both tell me not to worry abt work now and rest well. aiyah don say earlier. i rushed out my bao zhang bao dao so hand up. humphs. ok whatever. haha then later i went back to sleep i think. din do much la lie there watch tv till sleep wake up cont watching tv. din have appetite so i din eat at all until it was time to take my medicine again so i just ate some porridge. my throat was hurting so i mostly drank the fluid part only la. then took medicine and went back to sleep. wasted my entire day but whatever. woke up at like 9 to do my bao zhang bao dao cos im a good girl :D hehe. then finished and told her to hand up for me tgt with my other stuff. ok the next day i forgot to off my alarm so i woke up at like 5.30 -.- coudlnt go back to sleep so forced down another half a piece of bread so i could take medicine. aft a while vomittied out everything again. then i went to sleep. hehe. tamiflu was working for me by then and my fever went down significantly till 37.9? haah at least i wasnt shivering even when windows werent even open by then. i think slept again. oh and i checked my email to reply and seeing how trg starts on fri i emailed mr ng as well to tell him. then did some stuff for him and was aching all over so went back to sleep xD hehe aft that wasted my entire afternoon as well. i was seriously aching too much to care so i jus laid there and stare into space. lols. haha then i attempted to do my chi pt but gave up cos im too tired and yeah. today was alot better just that im still aching all over. being sick sucks like anything, esp if its a flu like this. i half think its h1n1 too. whatever. at least i get to go back sch on monday. i guess im gng to start on chi pt now. haha or i might go to sleep again :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i feel horrible ): aching all over plus a fever of 38.5. taking tamiflu but it dosen seem to help. slept on and off for at least 4 hours since i came back from the doctors. my fever only went down by 0.3? at the clinic was 38.8 and when i came home became 39.3. went down only aft i took double dosage of panadol. then attempted to sleep but woke up and vomited out the cup of milk i took. by then my stomach was empty i bet, maybe only has medicine. rawr :/ din feel like eating so went to sleep. now i realised how boring tv is cos they refuse to show my fav programmes :( haiz. i have no mood to do bao zhang bao dao. after sitting at the comp for like 15 min im aching all over already. when im sleeping its abt the same too. woke up with a fever of 38.1 and it went down to 37.5 after taking panadol. hahas i was debating whether to go to sch cos there's math and chem today and i see no way i would be able to catch up if i miss sch. im going back to sleep. haha

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

when i said sorry i really mean it alrights. im sorry!

feel sick today cos i had running nose and a sorethroat when i woke up. lols. now i am not allowed to go out. thanks eh. im going to sleep :D haha. i half ponned sch today. ok i did, but cos i wasnt feel well, yes im serious.

when i woke up i din even wan to go to sch, but yeah since papa alrdy woke up i decided to just go. why waste parents letter? :P hah wen to mrt to fetch xueling as usual. and on the way we saw ms tsang's car -.- went past mine and i told xueling that's her car. haha then she din believe me at first ,until traffic light that time stop right beside her we look in then xueling believe. lol so retarted. haha she's a super dangerous driver. drove at like 90km/h? on like a road, which isnt even expressway. hahas and dangerous too cos she was using her hp while driving -.- scary wor. then she drove so fast till when we turned right to go stevens road she went straight and go from balmoral. and technically that's a longer road ok! she reached sch first, and its alot faster than us. when we drove in she alrdy parked her car -.- me and xueling walked to class tray then saw her walking out to anderson staffroom. so freaky. hahas lol. went to class to watch mars. zaizai is damn cute :D 1st block was physics. joke of the day? mr lee walked all the way to 305 there -.- ystd he overshot like 1/3 of a class, today one whole corridor. hahas he's seriously blur, cnt get classes right man. hahas so retarted. spent physics writing out lyrics. haha xiaotong thought i was like copying notes? -.- lols. din really listen to him today. then had urm history. haha not too boring cos i din sleep :P then bio which i almost slept if not for the fact that i couldnt stop sneezing o.O lols i was so irritated. then finally recess and chinese. chen lao shi is sick. lols tmr chi first blk we have to write bao zhang bao dao. haiz, another fa. damn sian. i don feel like going sch tmr! should i or should i not? hah say i not feeling well :D hehe. ok whatever. im off to sleep xD

Monday, July 27, 2009

hahas lol another super retarted day in sch :D haha i figured weekend is half as sch :/ ok wait weekends. sat i din do much, went for some mindchamps talk thing and now they wanna send me there :( oh man i don wanna go unless sb goes with me. lols. then sun wen to meadows @ pierce the showflat. haha the last time was this vvip launch. the showflat's super nice. and guess who i saw there? :P liwen. haha, her dad actually bought the 4+1 penthouse. so rich :P 1.8 million! that's crazy can. haha but in the end papa decided not to get it. oh whatever. anw aft that wasted the remaining of my sun xD haha weekends = a waste of time basically. im super slack. haha but at least i finished the chi mock paper im so proud of myself!so clever right :D hehe.

sch today was half tortorous. started off wonderful week 5 with PE -.- haah both me and liwen not doing pe so they were like eh how come both pe reps not doing pe. haha i got mc liwen got letter so mr ho din say anything. haha we sat down at first to do math then gave up so went to watch them play xD so funny :D hah. aft pe was physics. omg mr lee is super forgetful? haha idk. we purposely stood outside to see if he would walk past us again, and guess what? he almsot did :P haha he was with the other class physics tr, then the tr walked off to 309, and he followed till he past 310 -.- so lame eh. then later he saw us laughing i think and he went oh thanks for reminding me not to walk past your class. we were like urh. then we started laughing. he saw and went what? whatever. then he walked in. haha most of physics was spent discussing the ques. then i went to the toilet and took super long :P haah walk super slowly to and fro. then aft physics went back to class and did some eng fa thing. wlau damn sian. mrs goh sat right in front of me to do and she was staring at what i was writing. they should totally keep their eyes to themselves seriously. humphs. i finished and coudlnt go off still -.- finished 20 min before everyone else did eh. so sickening seriously. then recess then math. din really listen cos i was copying out song lyrics :D haha then i listened for a while. then ss had free block seeing how mr chew isnt in sch today. so cool right. hahas. ok aft that was lunch then cle. cle we watched bring it on. before that boon and mrs goh played the scissors paper stone game :P super retarted ok. then aft sch went to eat subway and everything and now im home. haha. gotta go take my dinner from like 3 blocks away -.- wth wth! i don wanna go.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

had a half bad day today :/ well day started off with math :X omg can you belive it. math. and i din sleep in math. ok i did, for like a few minutes. then had pe, which was spent talking to zerline xD hahas. then recess and went up to class after eating. physics was next. this was the retarted part. i swear mr lee is either super forgetful or he's being funny on purpose -.- lols. we were going for physics, so stood outside the class, about to go in. then from far we saw mr lee coming up the locker staircase there. then we stopped and waited for him to go first. you know what? he just walked RIGHT PAST us and without realising its us and he's supposed to be going 310. wth la, hahas he's blind and forgetful :P damn retarted. we were like laughing super loudly when he walked past us, then i think he realised and turn back to look. and i think he realised we look kindda familiar, so he looked at his timetable again. then we said 'mr lee your class is here" then he was like no its ____. then we were like no 310, physics now. then he said really? looked at his timetable and was like ohh see wrongly. -.- wth la. we were still laughing then walked in. he's such a joker. hahas then later he started going through ws and stuff. realised that he loves talking to himself man. and keep making alot of comments like what the heck and whatever. hahahs. he's more of a clown than teacher :P wells aft class ended it was bio. we decided to purposely drag time, so while waiting for zerline and xiaotong to come out me liwen liting and xueling i think and deborah stood outside. then of all people we saw ms tsang standing outside 312. i think she has lessons with them or sth. she stood outside then liwen saw and went ms tsang! then she was too soft and i think ms tsang din hear. so she repeated so many times, keep calling. haha and she's soft till she sounded like a dying cat :P haha according to xueling. then finally ms tsang heard, but cos she was talking to sb else so she half waved to us. haah but i told liwen what ms tsang meant was to tell us to keep quiet :P haha anw we made out way back to class for bio. damn sian. he was even later than us can. i thought we were late still. humphs. bio was ok la, he was so troublesome as usual and had to reconnect the wires and chaneg it. -.- he should totally do it himself next time. humphs. he's lame like usual. "if you are taking a sample of an elephant please use a bigger quadrant then" -.- hello obviously we know right. you take such a small one then record 1/4 elephant ar? wth la he. super lame. then he asked elyssa abt uniformed and non uniform habitat, and elyssa din know how to answer so she went urh "mrt station" then boon was like what kind of habitat is that. lols. haha then later on MDS asked cheryl sth abt bio. so cheryl was like im not sure, ask elyssa. then he was like oh no dont ask her. she will tell me lrt line or something. -.- super lame la during bio. aft that was history. hahas nothing much happened. then we were going to watch HP 6 then yeah nvm. forget it :/

haha then i went to find them. hello do you tell someone you've never seen for so long "how come you like shrink". ehh i never ok. i went down to measure my height im same height ok. humphs. you grow taller say la, say i shrink -.- hehee and no i think melvin goh still taller than you :P

i just fell asleep while watching tv :/ oh man. haha you all hurry up! i wana sleep. almost fell asleep, luckily i din. hehe ok whatever. im cfm gng to sleep in lesson i swear tmr. im just so sleepy :S

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

i feel so sleepy my head hurts and my throat feels dry. does this sounds like the symptoms? this is a wed and i've nt started on my work, this is bad :/

lessons are alright today. had first block free block, cos mr chew is on mc. then later on we had math, and i thought ms ko din come :/ cos she was a little late. oh wells. aft math had chem. before i could even think ms tsang din come she appeared. lols she was alrdy outside the class before ms ko finished. i was happily staring into space at the door pretending to be listening suddenly see her appear :O lols freaked me out and i went to look at my chi instead. haha i was doing my dued jian bao, which i actually managed to finish before chi. chem was alot of video watching, which i almost fell asleep :/ my eyes were itching like mad eh. on and offed the thing as usual, they should seriously have a remote. then filled up the ws. i was doing chi bao zhang bao dao during the first video, cos she went to sit at ziyu's seat or sth xD haha but aft that the second one she went to stand in front, and i couldnt do anything except pretend to listen :/ and the video wasnt exactly interesting. lol. my poor chi compo was left undone until chem was over then did during recess. haha else i could have finished it ok :X then she said sth abt the two guys, and them writing alot of chem txtbook in uni. lols haha as if i will take chem in uni. too hard :P if given a choice i don even wan to take in jc can. lol she hates them apparently. hahas. after chem was chi. chi was super retarted. cos we wrote our bao zhang bao dao in class, then we had to finish the one chen lao shi gave before that also, the smoking one, which i havent and was doing during math and chem. so i decided to finish it first. and i think i took a little too long so the other bao zhang bao dao got not time to finish! hahas i wrote damn hard and damn long so my fingernails poked into my hand. then i was showing cheryl and then chen lao shi suddenly went "ni de shou wei shen me zhe yang?" so i was like oh nothing. write too hard, in chi of cos :P hah so scary. i bet she's eavesdropping on all my convos can. and while i was writing my zuo wen she kept looking and everything. so scary :/ make me not dare to look up. hahas aft that was bio. we walked around the sch for the ecology thing. hahas xiaotong was being super retarted. taking the ruler and whacking everything she sees -.- finished and went back to lab then i went to meet mummy and went to amk hub for lunch. then came home and choing my bio pt :/ slept at 1.30am. damn tired. hahas

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

yes im home early on a tues. technically its rs now :P oh whatever. im in no mood to sit there an listen to them talk abt like rs? idk la what lit review. hahas today's a super tiring day. physics first thing in the morning? arh mr lee was late. hehe like 20 min late. then aft physics had chem. yes finally its NOT titration. omg i cnt stand titration anymore ok. now till like week 7 don have :P awesome ttm. its weird to see her though aft my dream :/ so freaky. lols shall not elaborate more. aft chem we had math. was ok cos i wanst exactly paying attention. then had recess and then chi :P hahas so funny. just when i was telling xueling i wanna pon rs then chen lao shi started asking me abt whether we gng to the rs briefing later on during rs :X hahas so coincidental eh. but yeah. freaks people out. she's psyic. eng was spent in the library talking. hahs so funny. then left to come home and here i am. i shall start on bio pt later. like later xD hahas. 3 more days. oh wells

Monday, July 20, 2009

today's a long long day! oh man early morning have math -.- my brain totally died on me please. feel so annoyed. haha aft that was pe. wanted to do pe cos it looks fun, but yeah. the doctor forced me into taking mc ): since when do doctors threaten to send you to smc huh. rawr :@ aft that recess then eng. then philo, which i half slept in. hahas then ss was rather intersting. aft that had cle. epic waste time. i should totally pon it next time man. im serious. hahas ok papa fetched me from sch then went to fetch jiejie. i swear all people in uniform looks the same. haha then went beach road that area and had so called lunch then came home. almost fell asleep when doing math. hahas ok i dont feel like going sch tmr :( there's chem prac and i feel a little on a clumsy side :/ i don wanna break or spill anything. its damn stressful sitting beside liting i swear. she gets everything right and she can do all the question. -.- and its like xiaotong and deborah on my right? yeah man. i bet they are like top 3 in class. hahas and look at my resutls. LOL. oh and its racial harmory day. oh right. all the more i should just pon tmr. plus rs talk. yeah right.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

tag replies first. yes you ms ho!
nope im not angry:D:D
18 Jul 09, 22:30
[HAHA ALRIGHT. im still guilty :/ so sorry!]
18 Jul 09, 22:29
[hahas no im not that crazy. you know when she said to remove the brown stain on the glass pour liquid P over. its an acid la, i tink to neutralise? idk then i was so tempted to pour P all over my blouse and pinafoe! and also my hands. but i can wash off the one on my hand! lols. oh im really using my own soap :P the doctor told me too, else my skin will cont peeling. but she said sth like dont try pouring P over your skin cos its not glass and so it wont work. so i din :P. i have a feeling she's going to scold me when she sees my ws. haha ok i'll take a photo of it and post it :P]
therese: LOL aren't you supposed to do it? hahas and i dont feel like pissing her off anymore
18 Jul 09, 22:29
[do what. and are you still pissing her off. which her? lols im confused :X and i still think we should write a letter at least?]
therese: o.O why am I angry with you?? nope im not. hahas
[yay great :D you're rather slow ms ho :P]

ok photos time. taken from my physics and chem file i filed over the weekends :P

one of my fullest page for physics.
physics term one DA. super full cos i copied all the ans
physics ws. its so damn full. everything in black and blue is written by me, other than the printed ones
i think this is chem notes. haha pretty right. highlight plus annotate.
physics contents page.
this is the best notes ive made. haha im amazed at how small my handwriting can go :P
separation techniques ws? i think
my chem contents page. damn pretty :D
now the best photo yet :P the chem ws i spilled potassium magnate. i think ms tsang's gng to scold me :/ oh man

hahas today was super wasted. wasted loads of time cos i disappeared off to bishan early in the morning. well i had a weird dream last night. super super weird. yes SHE appeared with HIM. lols. so freaky. i was hoping so hard she won appear right in front of me, but i figured the chances of seeing her are rather low seeing how she gotta go to church early in the morning. so yes :D i din see her afterall. hahas. then later went to thomson plaza and got eyedrops. my eyes have been itching alot lately :/ then later went to have lunch and went to yck grassroot club there for some new condo vvip launch. idk la, but its the meadows @ pierce. super pretty view, but yeah the price's on the high side :/ be realistic. 1 million for a two room @965 square feet total area. its a little ex eh. and its at thomson, district 20. also not distric 9 or 10 or even 11. lols possibility of getting that condo is rather low, i prefer dakota though. although its slightly more ex the locations alot better :P haha. ok yixuan's flying off tmr. yes, finally the house to myself. how awesome. hahas ok i shall post tmr morning or afternoon. wells papa's taking leave so yeah. omg harry potter's nice. ok next post it shall be.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

what's the point of forcing myself to study so hard just to please someone who dosen even bother and care about me? i should just leave this place for good and start doing something i actually like and enjoy

Friday, July 17, 2009

im feeling guilty yet again :/ half cos of her and half cos of ms ho. i just keep making wrong decisions and doing wrong things :X stupidity. ok whatever. now im going to die soon when my dear mum realises the white blouse i just washed is stained with potassium magnate, and it will be worse when she realises its her precious daughter's blouse :/ oh man why was i so careless today ): while filling the burette i din look and it overflow. like twice already. the second time was what dirtied my paper and uniform :/ crap la i was so stupid. i was like trying to hard not to let my fingers touch the potassium magnate, and succeeded. wth la, now im super scared to wash my pinafoe cos ms tsang said detergent will react with the potassium magnate and like brown spots will appear. thanks man, there goes my pinafoe ): if only she was lying, but i realised she wasnt seeing how the stain on the white blouse cant come off even after i used bleech and everything i can think of. yes including vinegar. blame it on my careless man. and i din get acurate readings. wth eh. i got like 23.04 i overshot. liting reached endpoint without overshot hers was 24. sth. wth la, sth wrong with the stock solution. either that or it dosen like me. humphs.

today's such a killer day cos physics prac first block. mr lee totally came in his tropical mode. haha we were laughing and trying to imagine mr chew in those kind of mode. omg so funny xD ok prac's kindda fun la :P play with the pendulum. a great sense of satisfaction too seeing how i could take 10 readings while others only took like 6? idk. haahs but yeah still fun. playing with the set ups totally rock. hahah then we were tempted to enter the sci lab by the lab two way and give her a shock. hahas but we din :P xiaotong did half way then she got a shock by someone who looks like ms tsang but is not.

ponned bio ces aft sch cos wasnt in a mood for it. anw watch video only, what's the point. lol. attempted to study for a while but din work. being alone at home totally rocks :P ohh aft sch i went home with xueling. took 105. omg super funny. cos directly aft sch xueling has to hand up physics ws to mr lee, then we wen staffroom planned to prank her. call her look for mr lee :P to piss her off. then suddenly mr lee walked out. wth la, everything ruin my plan to prank. humphs. then cos he was walking damn fast so we had to run aft him. then later caught him right outside the GO then we were like mr lee! then he turned around and smiled at us. LOL so freaky. then xueling handed up the ws and asked abt the 10 year series. then he said sth like will tell us in class nxt week or sth. then he was like oh sorry to make you all run after me. so sorry! and he was still smiling when he said that la please. laughing at us i bet. humphs. then he was originally hurry off to the GO but aft taking the ws he turned and headed back to the staffroom -.- so much to for being in a rush man. hahas. and we still met him at the bus stop ok. we were at the bus stop then i saw him -.- i told xueling to see then she started giggling. lols. aft that 105 came and we boarded. he boarded too. then we were talking on the bus and i think i said "i have no intentions of studying physics over the weekends" too loudly :P haha bt i don think he heard. he was busy on the phone then later busy listening to music i think. then later we were gng to alight at tp station. then i was asking xueling if he alighting. and he really did -.- then later cos walk straight turn left to go to the underpass then go mrt mah. so we din know where he going. he walked straight and suddenly after going a long way he turned back and walked down the stairs to go to the underpass -.- that xueling was commenting that he so knows how to walk fast and reach his destination fast man. he walked in a big round can. so retarted. and he walked freaking fast. haha another comment from that hamster saying that he also nt very tall how walk to fast -.- lols yeah aft that he turned left and walked up the escalator instead. haha and we turned right. yeah so retarted seriously :P

ok weekends are here with so many pts ): ok i shall bath now. haha bye.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

i feel so guilty :/ now i cnt concentrate on anything AT ALL. i keep thinking about it all day. i swear lessons are gng to be damn screwed today :/ regretting isnt too late i hope. is apologising the only way out?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

my days are getting better :P early in the morning i was awakened by the thought of the so called meeting at pavilion :D hahas reached sch rather early to find out the tr ext list change le. LOL cnt prank le >< oh wells anw aft that we sat at pavilion wait for ms ho. then finally she came with the books :P hahas and then we started flipping through. omg was so funny and hilarious :DD hahas. she looks so weird. ok then later during last blk i also erupted man. hahas. aft looking through the book then i went to call. this was the retarted part. omg la. i was super paiseh. cos i called then im super scared. so i went "urh good afternoon, may i speak to ms tsang please" then i realised its morning, so i was like "oh wait good morning". then the teacher who picked up the phone just kept laughing and laughing. then she went oh who? then i said oh ms tsang. then she said oh, hold on. on the way to either pass the phone to her still laughing ok. just wrong good morning and afternoon only what. keep laughing, make me feel so paiseh. the that xueling and ms ho also keep laughing. haha its a miracle i din put down the phone and run away man. damn paiseh. lol i cnt even hear what she say properly. hahas it started to rain -.- so damn heavily, so i only caught sth like you try to catch me before other students does. aiyah sth like that. i cnt decipher :P whatever. i shall drag a while aft rs then go call bah. haha sacraficing my HP movie ): oh man im so sorry darlings. i will watch again some other time with you all kay!

lessons were generally satisfying. haha cos i understand. ok it was just chinese history. i dint sleep. haah my record of not sleeping for like 3 days already! omg im so proud of myself kay. so zai right. hmm yeah i guess that's all. hope tmr will be as good (: hahas. i shall be hardworking and study now. haha.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

today was a better day (: oh wells. i changed my seat yet again. this time to another extreme corner, but at least got nb to block me and yeah i can see much better. well sch was generally all right, just that i spend like most of philo looking out of class somewhere else :P haha i have to say sometimes coincidences do exist and its super scary. haha i was saying i haven seen her today and she walks past? haha yeap freaked me out for a moment and yes its her. although idk why she was walking towards j blk. she has no business there :P oh whatever

went to see the doctor aft sch. hahas finally i have a mc to give to mr ho before he nags at me somemore. rawr every lesson nag at me -.- ok whatever. means i have to miss pe for two weeks? ): oh man. im begining to like softball eh. the doc was talking abt whatever soap thing, find those without sodium lauryl sulphate. yeah right man all the soap i see have eh. including cetaphil. but yeah it still helps cos i just tried :P now im going to look like some retart bringing soap to the lab man. wth la. i was almost not allowed permission in to the clinic cos my tempt was like 37.5 and they retook at least 2 times. hahas too bad man i always have high tempt. it was 37.4 in sch :O hahas. then later went to pick up mama and went to chinatown there to buy her watch which cost like a few hundred bucks. then ate and went to thomson plaza. ok spent my whole afternoon and evening there. when i reach home was like almost 10 and bath and everything and now its like 11.15 -.- haha im nt gng to sleep yet cos still in the midst of planning what WE are going to do tmr :P hahas ok im half looking forward to tmr ;D awesome.

Monday, July 13, 2009

today was one of the worst day in my life? ok not bad to that extend i believe but yeah. i miss my old seat :( ohh man i kindda regret changing my seats, voluntarily cos i felt bad for chen lao shi who was wanting someone to sit beside zer. oh wells, since i made that decision i have to live with it for like the rest of the term? idk la i still prefer sitting beside liting and behind boon gloria and belle :P hahas so much more interesting.

spm afteron was HORRIBLE ttm. oh wells no comments. i have to say its true to a certain extend then, and aft seeing mrs ho it was worse. hahas it din turn out as good as i expected. oh wells this is the first time teachers actually have bad complains abt me :O LOL. ok whatever. but i guess i have to change my studying habits or sth then. hahas talking abt spm

walking and staying back with liting was super retarted! haah we basically saw ms ko for math then walked around for the rest of the time xD hahas. we wanted to see ms ko but haven tell her, so we decided to go during lunch. so since mr chew released us early for lunch so we wen down to eat, then me and liting went to anderson staffroom there and call. called ms ko first. liting called but she not in. then later i was debating whether to call ms tsang. hahs yeah and i din dare so beg liting to call. hahas she kindly agreed and called. but yeah she wasnt in. then we were like playing around staring at the teachers extension number, then complaing to why teachers always not at their seats, probability space :P then suddenly she appeared. LOL gave us a shock. hahas actually i din recognise her :P i saw mr lau first. then i saw her. well its a matter of height. i look at eye level xP hah get it? ok whatever. when she saw us she went "oh you all looking for me?" lol so ego. i felt like saying no. hahas but i said yes and asked if she free for ces aft sch. then she was like oh today? spm eh. and im seeing your dad later at 4.15. i was like huh? oh serious? cos papa never told me :/ haahs i wen back to class and called him to find out it was only arranged today morning. LOL.

aft sch we wen to see ms ko. sat outside queens staffroom to go through the maths ws. a certain teacher **t kept walking past -.- wth la so sickening. idk if on purpose. hahas cos i always not looking at him. pretend to look busy xD then later aft math when i finally got and understood graph transformations we left and went to library i think. then class to take my physcis file and log book to pass to my dad. then realised still early so walked to lib and attempted to open barn buddy. LOL cnt la in the end. hahas soon wen down to pass my dad my file then yeah we were early so sat at the pavillion mah to wait. then ms tsang appeared o.O she saw me and went oh good you can show me your dad, so i dont have to be like a blind mouse looking for someone. i was like hah no. i don wan to tell you who he is. hahas then i literally ran off :P her fault cos she stopped and talked to other people and i just went off to find my dad. haha then later we were standing there cos i was telling him to sign my unsigned physics paper. then she appeared and then saw my dad. haha i was going to burst out laughing, i bet liting also :P she told him to call her her name. haha i almost burst out laughing seriously. ok then me and liting disappeared off somewhere. we were like lost souls wandering around la, and talking. then later we wanted to see what was happening in the hall cos ms tsang said got some spm thing. so we walked there and saw the paper stuck to the door outside the hall. then we wre looking closely etc suddenly mr segerra opened the door :O wth la so damn scary. he just opened the door and gave us a shock. haha then we went away. finally papa was done with everything then he texted me. went to find him, sent liting to far east busstop, hey so sorry cnt send you nearer to your home! hah. then came home. yeah. that's basically all. oh and had a freaking long talk downstairs and went for a swim. hahas feeling slightly better now thought (:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Votes from fans started January at Xingkong Weishi China (Starring Sky) satellite broadcast

1. Hero (Dong Bang Shin Ki)
2. Jerry Yan (F4)
3. U-know (DBSK)
4. Kazuya Kamenashi (KAT-TUN)
5. Jimmy Lin
6. Vic Chou (F4)
7. Yamashita Tomohisa (NEWS)
8. Hankyang (Super Junior)
9. Joe Cheng
10. Wu Zhun (Fahrenheit)

ultimate cuteness :D now joe cheng. ok he's not as cute as vic chou but yeah.

ok i've decided to come back to blogging :D hahahs. decided after reading someone's blog and realised that reading old blog posts can actually be amusing so yeah. ok let see. haha what's exciting and interesting so far has to be h1n1 :P hah yeap the piggies that pass flu to us humans. well all thanks to my darling sister i was sent to isolation for the WHOLE of wed.

ok i had like 40 min of ss? then mr ho cheng kam came in and called for me. omg la i swear i was sleeping. got a shock then he called me out and told me to pack my bag. and he went to tell mr chew and etc and i was off to the isolation corner outside of raffles room. hee originally i was planning on how i could get myself sent to isolation, and i really got my wish man. but yeah i was regretting it big time when i was there :/ omg la freaking boring. i was revising chem seeing hw i had nothing else to do. aft that i really had nothing better to do so walked around to go ka chiao ppl. haha so many of us sent there man. well in the morning mr ng said over the pa system for all table tennis girls to meet him outside anderson staffroom. me and siling went up immediately? we were like one of the first there seeing how our class so near. yeap then he told us haiqing cfm h1n1 etc. then ask who got close contact. then he said those that dont have can go. so i was like oh ok then i walked off :P hah. yeah aft that i would never have dreamt of mr ho coming to my class escorting me out to isolation. ok whatever.

well good part of being isolated? get to pon lesson man. like the whole day somemore can go home early wor. not too bad right. 11.30? i know alot of people are dying to but yeah too bad :P

bad part? wth la once people knew i was sent to isolation there were like oh so sad miss chem. -.- eh wth la i dont go to sch just for chem lessons ok. whatever, even if its true to a certain extend yes. well i got loads of different infomations and updates about chem lessons from so many people like celine xiaotong kuan etc. yeah right. celine was so retarted. plus xiaotong -.- lol. i will find the convos someday and put it here. LOL. well so much so for not going through alot lor. aiyah the convo disappeared T.T ok whatever. you all becareful cos i swear ms tsang knows you all sms in class :P haha

last week was p6 dsa selection trails as well. on tues i think. me and yingna were incharge of refreshments. rawr! i nv knew jus getting some cakes and drinks is that hard ok. wth la, so many change of plans etc. pissed me off ttm. but yeah we settled it in the end. haha high five yingna :P stupid banana has been spreading rumours. stop it man. stop calling me THAT. tyvm

haha oh yes before i forget. amazing discoveries huh therese? :P yes ms ho i found your blog. i shall go and leave a tag now. haha give you another shock. but yea im still laughing over b**** ****y xD hehe so retarted. ok stop making me laugh during lessons cos teachers are going to catch me one day and then prob *t will take my phone and when she reads the contents she's seriously going to faint :P

yes that's all for now. im half tired of posting. haha ok such a long post right? *beams in pride*

Friday, June 19, 2009

hee super long never post :D haha one whole term yes i know ;D just returned from japan and decided to post abt it xD i was so fun. haha.

flew by A380 :D SQ638 (: flight departs at 2340. terminal 3 is cool, that's all i can say. haha massage chairs inside. with nitendo wii. i din play la haha. boarded the plane at the last min? haha cos yuka and aika walk to slow. haha. so we go there then immediately can board the plane le. wen on board and realise almost everyone else seated le :O hah din realise we so late. anw we sat down, sat with yuka. the right seat was empty :DD haha. i srsly like sitting alone. as in got no one else beside me. a yi and aika sat in front. the plane was so good, seat was rather spacious and the ife (in-flight entertainment) screen was so big. haha. and the controller was easier to use too. the games were slightly better too. since it was midnight flight no proper meals were served. just when we took off then they started serving some wrap thing. nt very nice haha cos i din finish :D heh. the kids one got sandwhich. since yuka dosen wan it i ate it :DD then later watched movie and play bejeweled :D ha. the A380 one is bejeweld 2. then aft a while i fell asleep while wathcing confessios of a shopoholic. nope not that its boring. just that i was tired. hah. aft that woke up and was feeling cold, so me and yuka wen to press the bell to call for air stewardess. then ask if got milo. haha. we were tyring out luck eh, but really hv :O idk why also. so we ordered two. haha then later we felt hungry so ask for instant noodles. then later like after 4 hours? i ordered another milo. haha yuka was fast asleep by then. aft that was morning time? 6am like that. we were landing at 7 plus. so they started serving breakfast. breakfast was slightly better eh. for me that is. omelette and ham plus harshbrown. drank coffee and had butter bread. the kids one came with a lunchbox. haha, cartoon network one. it is so cute :D that yuka ar. she sleep so damn long eh. when they serve breakfast she was sleeping. half an hour later when they come to clear she still sleeping :O but she also don eat frm the plane so no diff. i jus took what i wan and put it inside the lunchbox. haha. aika was sleeping too, so stole both of their oreo :D hahah. ate one on the plane back and another one when i was waiting in singapore. anw aft that we were gng to land. so aft landing we got off the plane, and arrived in japan :D narita airport to be precise. passed immigration. aika was so funny. attempting not to cough in front of immigration officer. i almost burst out laughing at her. hehehe. but the two of them. keep quarreling. for every single thing. anw aft that we wen to take narita express. the train to go to yuka grandma house. train ride was so long. took shinkansen. haah was so fast :D the train was cool. anw reached yuka grandma's house at like noon time? yeah sit damn long. train is super cool, got reserved seat de, but a yi say ticket more ex. anw aft that we ate lunch. was surprised to see photo of me when i was young there. haha. framed up somemore. hahahah cos i was flower girl during a yi's wedding. lunch was quite nice. starting getting use to eating with only chopsticks, drinking miso soup every meals and green tea. and also sitting on the floor. aft that we played cards for a while then at abt 3 like that played badminton and flew kites outside. then they all went to sleep while i read my book. then soon dinner was served. then aft that we went out to see fireflies. got a few la. so cute. but aika was scared :O then we walked to a minimart quite some distance away and bought icecream. its so nice. haha way nicer than singapore one. came home then watch tv. aiyah as if i understand man. talk talk talk, sometimes when they talk super fast sounds like they are singing :D hehe. whatever. aft that we went to bath. bathed with yuka. haha got the hot bathtub. super nice, seeing the weather was on the cold side. played with water then finally bathed and came out. then had to use hairdryer cos alrdy 11 plus, gotta sleep soon. played for a while more then we went up to sleep. haha. falling asleep on the first night was easy cos i only slept veyr little on the plane and train so i was tired anw. woke up the next morning by aika. she was sitting on me. --ll hah but very light. bt still can feel so i woke up lorh. she was coughing so loudly like nobody's business anw. oh and cos yuka grandma's house is just beside the railway track. really beside, gt no fence around it and everything. i was so tempted to walk and stop in the middle. a yi told me last time uncle's friend tried and the train stopped :D haha. so funny eh. anw went down for breakfast. had ricecake in miso soup. was ok la. the soup is nice. can you imagine? green tea for breakfast? ahah. i missed my milo. anw aft breakfast we took a cab to this hilly area, called sth sth themepark. but also don have alot of rides and everything :O mostly flowers etc to see. but super nice lorh. the cab is super ex. you get on already 10 bucks sing dollar. took a steam engine there and went to see the kaleidascope museum. took a few photos here and there. then we walked and saw alot of interesting things along the way. not bad la. the trees are quite pretty. then later we went out of that place, wanted to eat. but we missed the bus, so walked instead. but end up the place nt open so we sat by the road there to wait for another bus. haha me and yuka was so bored we started throwing stones into the middle of the road and wait for cars to crush them :DD hehe. got alot eh. aft that we went to a restaurant place. the food is delicious, but very ex. ate soba. hahaha. i couldnt finish, yuka finished hers and the remaiing of mine. wth la. so much eh. big appetitae. aft that we wen to supermarket. apita. so big and awesome :) hahah. srsly la. damn big de, and got alot of stuff. bought gugu's ginger there. that was the first thing i spent my money on. aft that we ate dinner and watch tv. ha then bath in hot water again. yuka keep spraying water on me. cold one somemore. haha then i tickled her and she scream. heh. like that also scream. a yi thought sth hapen then open the door and check. aft that dry my hair again and watch tv. 3rd day wake up we went shopping :DD hehe. go somewhere a bit further away the 100yen shop. oh ya this is the morning i had rice for breakfast. wth la. hah then we took train and walked to the place. bought quite alot of stuff. started spending my money frm here on. then went to the train station and bought quite alot of stuff. keychains etc and food stuff. aft that took train back and went to apita again. bought stuff frm there also. i saw this thing that you can pierce your ear with. idk how but its like a gun then alrdy got one earring inside. so i think is can pierce youself de. hah i din buy in the end. later come home get scolded :O saw alot of rilakkuma stuff eh! was so tempted to buy, but din wan to spend all my money. so ex somemore. things in japan are just expensive like srsly. aft that we walked back and played fireworks :D then waited for uncle to come back frm yokohama to eat dinner. aft dinner went to bath and slept. sat woke up early to go to unagipie factory. was early so we went to the beach first. saw alot of people surfing. reminds me of my queen :D haha. aft that we wen back to the factory place. totally din get anything cos its in jap. hah but i pretend i did :D mwahaha. aft that we went to eat unagi and rice. then later i cnt rmb what we did. the highway toilet is super cool that's all i can rmb :D haha. got a lcd screen outside to tell you which cubicle is vacant etc and what they have inside. ok aft that at night slept. sunday morning woke up went to another moutain place to go and visit yuka's grandfather. aft that drove to yokohama. sat car for super long. went up to mt fuji to take a look. it was quite nice, but very cold.haha. aft that we drove to yokohama. at night i finally got to use the computer. hahhah. aft that went to hotel. hotel was so cool, although it isnt very big. monday went to disneyland. was ok la. had fun chasing aft the disney characters :D heheh with aika. then make them sign and took photo with them. alot of ppl eh and got alot of long queues. ok la was rather tired. watched the afternoon parade, wanted to watch the night one but rained so got cancelled. aft that went back to hotel again. then the next day went to kimakura. bought a lot of stuff again, then afternoon went to yokohama station there to take a look. then went to this big store where the stuff are quite cheap. bought a few rilakkuma stuff frm there :D haha aft that we went back hotel. then last day woke up quite late then wen to another hundred yen shop. spent my remaining cash there. then afternoon sat limosine with a yi and aika to narita airport. yuka stayed at home alone. so nice la. got comp and nitendo plus tv to keep her entertained. anw at the airport check in and a yi requested for a person to bring me in in case they ask me stuff in jap i don understand mah. then aft that a yi had to sign some documents and then when they push my luggage in they put a prioirty tag :D hah. means it will come out first. cool right :D its for the business class people actually. but i had too. cos unaccompanied minor. haha. anw aft that got a guy bring me in to the customs. even a yi agreed its fun. haha she say wan let yuka try or sth. anw aft that i had to wait at the boarding gate there. then i told that guy help me look aft my handcarry bag. hahah so funny. cos before that a yi told me to try, and i really did. anw aft that that guy stand beside me tell me sit down, stand there look like my security guard. anw aft that everytime he walk away to ask sth or do sth else he will tell me to sit here and not wander around and he will come back to me in 5 min :O den keep reporting to me say the plane delayed, flight will reach at 6.30 instead. then later 6.30 he came and said further delay, will reach in 15 min time. then reach le finally the cabin crew got to go on first. so unfair :( anw soon at like 7? i got to board too. boarding time for first and business class is 7.10pm, economy class is i think either that time or even later. but i go to board before them :D hehehe. and when i was gng to enter the aircraft i entered by the business and first class lane too. how cool can that be xD when i got on then another guy attended to me. he's the supervisor or sth. then he took my passport and kept it with my boarding pass. then he bring me onto the plane and showed me to my seat. along the way all the air stewardness that see me all greeted me and said good evening. hahaha. so cool right :D i think all of them knew i was unaccompanied minor. aiyah whatever. anw aft that a guy called william came up to me and ask me to call for them if i need anything etc. then i said ok. haha. but one thing annoying, they keep calling me ms lim. i have a name ok. like at the boarding gate, that airport guy said "ms lim we can proceed to board nw" then everyone turend to look at me. LOL. haha whatever. then aft that waited a while and other people started boarding too. tried my luck and ask william if the seats beside me are empty, and he said no so sorry. i wasnt surprised cos when i book the plane it was one of the last seats. anw aft that i waited for even longer, then finally almost everyone boarded. i was wondering who was gng to sit beside me. then aft a while william came over and said " ms lim there wont be anyone sitting beside you this evening" haha i burst out laughing aft i said thank you and whnen he walked away. haha so funny eh. i think he purposely help me arrange for the two other people to sit somehwere else. anw he was nice la. he pasted two stickers that say "this seat is reserved for supplementary crew" on the two empty seats beside me, and according to him is to make sure no one seats there. hah. so nice hor? :D i tink so. den later when taking off i wen to the window seat. haha sat there to see the lights and everything. then wen fly up cnt see anything le then i went back to my original alsie seat. had a good time with three seats :D change here and there. and the cabin crews kept checking on me whenever we hv to put on seat belts. made sure i put it on correctly. LOL. then i had prioirity and was served my dinner first too. hah how cool can taht be? :D aft that i wanted to play game but while playing cnt listen to music, so i decided to use the ife beside me to listen to music instead. haha smart right :D anw when landing den alot of ppl came up to me to tell me not to go away myself and wait for the crews to attend to me. haah then they came to get me and william helped me to carry my luggage. so good :D hah. aft that then end of journey.

too lazy to type more. hah i hate posting all out of a sudden :D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

omg i haven posted for damn long. haha. ok here's the post. anw training was awesome ystd :D haha. doubles with xinyu and played with alot of other ppl. we won everything xD cool right. haha. i think ystd i was damn lucky. sometimes jus lucky lucky fang in xD hahah. he was damn pro also ystd, and i feel super bad when i hit d ball out. :S went for trg again today, 1-4 in sch, then tmr hv to go maris. wth la. super tiring. wad's wrong with coach man, so many anti in maris still wan me go? he weird man. ohh wadeva, that shall NOT ruin my wonderful mood.

have nt been posting abt stuff recently. teachers? hmm. sadly ms amanda lim went. cos mrs mak came back. nt that i don like her la, but ms lim still better. haha. weilin got her also. their form teacher somemore. but chen lao shi's really nice (: it was super funny tricking them during april fools day xD haha. boon and siling hide behind d whiteboard, then they go knock. then boon stretched out her hand to take the whiteboard duster and thre onto the floor. hahaha. so funny. we were all laughing like mad. that day had history first block. din try anything cos scared mrs mak scold. then later math, din try also cos we're alrdy behind time for math.

aiyah this post is frm ages ago. hah realise i din publish. :O

Monday, March 23, 2009

this is the post from hanzhen --ll she wanted me to re post so wadeva here goes xD

HEYY peeps :D back from March camp :D omg like it's damn fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D [except the fact that i was sick ):]
as expected, only half the team turned up. and some here and there. coz now got safra/stta comps. can see some ppl trying to turn up luh, then some ppl can make it but never luhh :(  [camp always like tt de mah]

okay. so we started of with energisers. vry energising i must say. is like to create a random story, everyone write three words in ten seconds. den total got like ten minutes or sth. the stories are quite lame and funny.[it is true ok xD the story i mean. hahaha.]  lol.so dumb,yuquan,yihui,weilin and nat in my group,stupid yihui and weilin la,spoiler la,go make the story so dumb,tortise and me :( dumb dumb i dun feel like saying who's tortise so forget it T.T[its torres lurh]  then i think i spoil the story first by writing batman :D then i think nat dunno how to continue then started writing popiah,mee siam,then i ended up finishing the story by writing air,food,water :D [stupid hanzhen the spoiler T.T]

den we had some directions walk. like blindfolded den someone direct and avoid obstacles. my group was the same one luhh,then the best thing was Weilin bang into the pillar on her head,wah,damn loud and scary.then SOMEHOW,after the whole thing(it ended up in the toilet fyi) Yihui started to say I keep directing wrongly,WALAO,sorry luhh :D so dumb [i was damn freaked out when weilin banged cos it was super loud --ll hahah. cos me and weilin blindfolded mah. so i also cnt see. stuipd hanzhen kept saying fruit fruit fruit, fyi fruit means forward, when there's a stupid wall in fron of me]

then next was charades,then my word was trampoline,the first thing which comes into my mind was RI dunno why also la,then i start making the word RI,then I realise it was wrong side but somehow Weilin got it and shout RI then i nodded my head then start jumping around then they got the word,then in the end dunno what's Yihui's problem,keep teasing me abt it T.T [omg that's cos hanzhen's retarted. the ri also do to herself to see, we cnt even tell. so retarted and lame la. trampoline then jus jump around and point la. ri your head la]

Then the next activity was operation makes us smile,we have to make a story related to home alone T.T lin yihui liaofang and yingna,in my group(i shall not post abt the story,so lame T.T)  [haha i tink it was cool :D china girls school]

Then we went out for lunch,Burger King,then go back was appraisals.We have to like write stuff abt the team,everyone on the team,like who was there,then we have to like wait for the rest so some of us played taiti,doubles coz too many ppl,then I pair up with zixin,then she ask me this can anot,that can anot in the end also confuse me,then i put double 2,can la but no one puts(yihui said) then Ruimin keep saying i spoiler,then everyone keep saying i spoiler T.T din know what i did also.  [you are dumb wad. where got ppl got club 2 and spade 2 put together as a pair de. waste it --ll i pair with you tt time you werent that dumb xD]
We pass down what we write for others,I actually received a note from Sam to be more open hahahahahaha,then in the end wad she meant was more open to HER hahhaa,then Lin say i must support Man Utd(under the needs improvement) as if mann T.T then stupid ppl like Yihui,Yixuan and Weilin say I must not like ugly guys,wadeva mann,yupp then the others are CONFIDENTIAL :D [apprasial was cool xD hahaha. its true though, that you have bad taste of boys]

Next was training,BORING,shall skip the whole part,then we going to bath,but Xuane and Hui have to take money from their parents so we went to the gate then their father was like you guys look like in jail liddat T.T then like animal show,Hui say we can climb over the fence xD then later go bath,then elaine and evonne go bath, the shower is like above the toilet bowl. so we have to be careful if not drop inside. o.O and elaine was like just starting to bathe, with the water running, den the lights off! omg. coz our sch the toilet is like autosensor. so off after ten minutes. luckily evonne havent on the tap. so she wore her clothes back and went to wave at the sensor. LOL. after that she went in and was hoping elaine will come out before the lights off. but elaine bathe so slow. so end up the lights off while elaine was wearing her clothes. they were screaming luh. den after 2min yihui and me they all came to like see see who bathing, coz that toilet is rgtt using what. so we on the light for them. xD the in the end we change another toilet coz i dun like the shower with the toilets inside :D  [the bathing part was hilarious xD hahaha. the getting of money part was jus my mum wanted to come and see her precious daughter who was plain quarters d nxt day. then jus sun bian give me money lorh. bathing was dumb la. you all bath so slow. i go in last first one come out]

Then we had pizza hut :D then last min we have nightwalk,quite last min. Xuane not scared at all, but she was singing the lan qiu huo superman song to herself. "yo, wo shi superman...." hahha. funny! we were all controlling our laughter. so pissed with her la,she should be scared then in the end when we spray her with water she say thanks for the spray T.T then evonne was damn cute,when we blindfold her,she was like do i look ugly?dun take picture ok? so cute :D Next was Yuquan and Liaofang,coz i think they scare them so they were crying so we had to let them go together then they hold each other,then we use feather duster go tickle them they started stamping hahahaha,and screaming,then one point elaine went into the middle,they din k now,then somehoe liaofang was like is that you? Yuquan say yeah then i think yuquan suspect them say i touching yr fingernails,then chloe go touch liaofang finger nails,then i think chloe slow by 5 s then liaofang say no then both of them started screaming OMG i know them since p4,i din know they are so screamy T.T  [this was plain retarted lurh. hahah liao fang and yuquan were super cute can xD hahaha. i felt kindda sorry for liao fang when she cried. i'm so sorry!haha basically they screamed whenever they touch my hair. ]

Then later we watched Unaccompanied Minors,OMG the spencer guy is so HOTT :D oh his real name is Dyllan Christopher,he's damn HOTT :D hahha but Torres is still HOTTER :D  [he's anything but hot pls hanzhen. he's so ugly]

Then later Ms Loh was saying the OSL ppl have to wake up at 2 for emergency,i started eating chips,chocolate in the middle of the night then me yihui and weilin and yingna played taiti and cheat(so dumb i cant cheat) then yingna started running around the KS Chee at 1.00 AM T.T then 1.50 AM yingna go sleep,then me Hui and weilin thought they putting siren so went down then in the end realise they were only shouting emergency!!! T.T then we went back.i feel so sleepy then i slept in the middle when we were talking abt at 3? then Hui used torch shine in my eyes and whack me,also never wake up T.T say i pig T.T then 3.30 Hui,Lin and weilin went down buy drink T.T then everyone woke up at 7 though i din want to :(  [haha stupid hanzhen d pig. sleep so damn early. talk to her halfway she suddenly sleep --ll wth la. hahaha. osl ppl were damn poor thing la]

Then we did amazing race in school :D at sherilyn loh's station we are supposed to answer questions,after i answer 5 entertainment quetions correct then sherilyn dun wan ask me liao hmph then elaine's station had to draw,we drew MUCH MUCH nicer than the other group :D then yingna's station was charades,Stupid yingna gave me sex in the city for movie T.T   [i also got sex in the city wad. haha. the ques were lame cos we couldnt ans the entertainment ques. the only one i was super sure of was "what is the name of the player on volleyball court that wears a different coloured jersey" OMG that's so easy. libero lurh. hahha. such a lame ques pls. might as well ask what's libero's job. aiya wadeva xD hahah. cherrades i got sex in the city also. i couldnt act so i was like 4 words. then yuquan shouted, sex in the city xD haha. so smart right. hahah. then i also pro at guessing xD french revolution. obama. etc damn smart la me]

then later go far east go eat lunch,then go back played Pass the parcel,then i had to call Mr Ang and CLAIMED that i want pizza T.T then mr ang was like you wan more math ws is it? hahahahahh he's so full of humour.whoever holds it when the music stops has to do a forfeit. really funny mans! like u have ppl skipping around, dancing, being seductive etc sherilyn loh can actually seduce ppl ahahahahahahahha :D [it was actually funner to watch xD haha. no nid forfeit de. but i was nt feeling well alrdy. had headache, that's why i was so quiet]

then later was Charades again T.T i go write one whole page list then in the end was completed in 2 hours i think or 1hour T.T the funniest was lin's. coz hers was Robert Pattinson so she put her 2 fingers in front of her mouth to say it'a a vampire then in the end someone said Bugs Bunny ahhahahhaahahhahaahhaha :D OMG ZOMG OMG ZOMG OMG ZOMG OMG ZOMG that was the funniest,i started rolling on the ground and laughing hahhahahahahahaha oh and I miss out one thing,stupid Yihui took a lot of UNGLAM photos of me and put it on facebook and make sure you DO NOT GO AND SEE thanks :D then training,BORING,so this is the end :D HOME SWEET HOME :D i'm done YIHUI :D the longest post I ever posted in my blogging life :D    [omg. cherades at the end was retarted please xD hahaha. stupid hanzhen jus let us guess her favourites. wad's the point of guessing you tell me?]

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

its not that i want to ignore you. can you just leave me alone for like a week. i need time to think. i'm so sorry. i won reply your msg on hi card cos it is confiscated. just leave me alone till sunday and i promise i will call you

Monday, March 2, 2009

my life's like a drama. wonderful? i think not. at least i'm not those bad guys or pathetic people. i'm sick and tired of this routined life. it dosent seem to be better, by the way it looks like. where are you when i need you?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Since Yihui is so dull and black in almost every post :( I shall make this post bright and cheerful!
In Yihui's POV:
I'm currently doing this breathing test to make my life more better :) First as you know the stupid( oh oh no vulgarities,I'm supposed to be a good and nice girl) school took away TWO chem lessons....so I'm TRYING VERY HARD(see how good I am,no swearings=D) to control my anger xD think of all the optimistic things in my life such as my WONDERFUL SIS! THE AWESOME HANZHEN! AND WEILIN! AND EVERYONE THAT I KNOW! :D

Okay,I think i'm being retarded xD I shall tell you guys a joke ;D make sure you laugh coz it's not funny at all xD

What does Pink Panther say to a dead ant?
Dead ant,dead ant,dead ant,dead ant(the theme song)

What does Pink Panther say to an ALIVE ant?
Squish it and sing the theme song again

What does Pink Panther say to a spider?
Pull out 2 legs,squish it and sing the theme song again

Okay never mind,that was lame,I feel it's so funn post on another person's blog!!!!!!!!!!!Shall do it again next time xD byeeeeeeeee xD

Saturday, February 21, 2009

school sucks. the lousy sch is taking away BOTH my chem lessons. wad's wrong with them srsly. take away pe or sth lurh. take away chem. humphs. this sucks. i want to go back to sch. hate staying at home. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Teenager Test

[x] Held hands with someone 

[  ] Lost someone

[x ] Never got a chance to tell someone something important

[x ] Cried your heart out

[x] Danced

Total: 4

[x] Rejected someone

[x] Heard a rumour about yourself

[x] Hurt someone emotionally

[x] Hurt someone physically

Total: 4

[x] Got involved in a sport

[  ] Got called a dork

[x] Fell in love

[x] Went to a funeral

[x] Know someone who has tried to commit suicide

Total: 4

[  ] Wrote a love note 

[x] Went through a phase

[  ] Got ditched

[x] Know someone really stupid or annoying

[x] Got in a fist fight with a family member

Total: 3

[  ] Drank Champagne 

[x Made a mistake (im a human being, too :D)

[  ] Thought you found the one 

[  ] Found out a bf/gf cheated on you 

[x] Lied to your parents 

Total: 2

[x] Been lied to

[x] Felt like the happiest person in the world

[x] Felt like dying

[ ] Had a crush

Total: 3

[  ] Prayed

[x] Texted in class

[ ] Smoked a cigarette

[ ] Had more than one crush at a time

[x] Disliked someone

Total: 2

haha i'm nt that bad aft all :D

--life sucks. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


You know you play volleyball when...
You think everyone should have to wear spandex. [hahahhahahah]

 When your taller than most of your class. or when you're not, and people wonder how you play volleyball when your not 6'11

When the words "outside" "middle" and "right/weak side" are more important than other words. [nah we use chinese]

When you realize your thighs no longer fit in your jeans.

You could probably beat almost anyone in wall sits.  [what's that?]

When a ball is hurled at your face, you either set, pass, or hit it. Or you flail your arms spastically. [this is funny :D]

You know what a libero is/does. [i was one T.T]

You have more than one pair of knee pads. [TWO}

You get angry when someone says volleyball isn't a hard sport.

You own at least one shirt that has the word "volleyball" "hit" or a drawing of a volleyball on it.

You know how to tape yourself. [actually i dont really know. hahahaha. jiaolian always help me]

You know why ankle braces are a necessity.  [i dont rly care. sprain then sprian lorh]

You have injuries on your knees, elbows, ankles, neck, shoulders, back, head.........  [haha yeah :D]

You've perfected drawing a volleyball. And taught others how to draw it.  [nah i suck at drawing]

You've tried setting into a basketball hoop. And it's much easier than actually shooting a ball into a basketball hoop. [hahahaha ;D]

You think TV should show more volleyball than any other sport.

You've been asked why volleyball players wear spandex. And you don't really know. [even jiao lian dunno :D]

You know your vertical. And always hope somehow it gets higher. [duh, being tall is like a super big advantage lurh]

You've had at least one ball hit you in the face. [yeah.]

You've been to volleyball camp. Many times. [once]

You know who Misty May and Kerry Walsh are, and secretly want to be them. [ i dont want to be them, i like indoor vball more and the jap team more]

You know a scoreboard like the back of your hand. [yeah, i like the flip one. as in the one that is not like the table tennis one :D]

You have to admit that you like those "ACE!" cheers. [its cool. way better than other cheers duh]

Whenever you see a volleyball, you have to touch it.  [itchy fingers, and its not only me :D]

At one point in your life, you've had knee problems. [what about at all points?]

You know what those "other" lines in the gym are. [in/out lines, attatking lines etc]

You don't dribble balls, you smack them with the palm of your hand. [yeah. its cooler. ]

You own a pair of volleyball shoes. [they're new :D]

You know what a 4-2, a 6-2, and a 5-1 is. [it means the strategeies and formation you goof head :D]

You have muscles where you didn't think muscles existed. [haha :D]

Your not afraid of falling. [its like an instinct to fall. ]

You've seen that movie "All You've Got" and wanted to write the director on how bad it was. [in singapore, beach ball babes. yeah. haha totally agree cos its like way to fake :D]

You see tall people and think "she/he would make a great volleyball player".  [wow it jus read my mind]

You know guys only come to your games to see you in spandex.  [partially true]

When people ask you what sports team you're on when you wear your jersey... in your own school. [not rly.]

You are/have been in a volleyball club. [yeah. its awesome x3]

You can't actually run... but you sure as hell can sprint. [obviously. i have ZERO stamina]

You either laugh or get really mad when you see other people trying to play volleyball. [laugh :D]

You get really upset when someone kicks a volleyball. [as long as its not mine i'm fine :D]

You know you're better than everyone else. [i'm nt although the way jiao lian talks she say i am. T.T]

Volleyball is more important... than anything else that you have to do.  [duh]

You have permanent floor-burn marks...on top of your other permanent floor-burn marks. [nt rly. cos we use wax-ed floor. so not that bad. and i wanst libero for a rly long time so yeah :D]

You've wanted to kill your coach at one point. AND/OR Your coach has wanted to kill you at some point. [nah. i love my coach my coach loves me :D]

You think its normal to have balls deliberately hit at your face.  [esp if there are boys. T.T]

When going up for a hit, you've at least completely missed the ball once in your life. [who dosent]

You've run into a wall, pole, person, bleachers... many times. [bleachers la. to save a ball]

Gym volleyball isn't volleyball. You end up yelling at everyone cuz they're doing it wrong. [it sucks la. like pe volleyball --ll]

You can put your hand up to a volleyball net and tell someone how close it is to the height its supposed to be. [haha i'm nt that pro. ]

 you've attempted passing or setting a basketball and failed miserably [i sprained a finger.]

your knees smell after a game. seriously, smell them. its gross.

when spandex/leggings became fashionable, you were like, "i've been wearing those all along."

You wonder why theres an NBA, the NFL, the NHL, but no NVL? the rest of america is dumb.

There's always that one girl on the opposing team that you want to slap across the face. ew.

You hate that clips and metal hair accessories are banned. wearing an oh-so-fashionable stretchy headband is not fun. and they slip off in the middle of intense rallies.  [not ban la. but its dangerous]

 you never just "get up." you roll.

 you can easily recall the noise of skin sliding against a recently waxed court. and it still makes you cringe. [eww its gross. but will keep hearing it cos the boys never ever wear kneeguards and they like to save the ball]

You've caught the ball in the middle of an intense rally because you thought the ref blew his whistle... only to realize that the whistle came from the court next to you.  [not me]

You try to intimidate the other team during warmups  [its super funny :D]

 you've dived while playing gym volleyball before you realize you're not wearing kneepads. [hahah last time at parade square]

You're sick of explaining to people why one girl on the court is wearing a different colored jersey. [yeah]

You know the seagulls from Finding Nemo would be excellent volleyball players ("mine mine mine") [T.T]

You freak out when you forget shoes for after practice/games because you dont want to ruin your volleyball shoes when you walk outside. [haha no. it wont spoil so easily]

You have no problem walking halfway through the JV's court to steal some of their balls during practice... they don't need it as much. 

You know the ball goes UNDER the net, and you do NOT throw it over. [who throws it over the net srsly --ll]

you know all ref's are horrible and unfair (they miss every lift and tip and call every ball out when it's in, in when it's out, favor the opposing team, etc.)....... unless your winning, then they're okay for now. [agree-ed]

The enormous mound of volleyball socks in your sock drawer make it hard for you to find a normal pair. [nah i wear ankle socks :D]

Serving underhand in gym class is harder than serving over hand on full court. [yeah. cos have to serve with lesser strength]

You can easily carry 7 balls at once.

 The amount of bruises on your body may qualify for a spot in the Guiness Book of World Records. [not now anymoer]

 You have the urge to set any ball you see. ex. football, soccerball, basketball, tennis ball, etc. [nah i';m scared i will break my finger]

If you've played soccer and found it very difficult not touching the ball with your hands. [no i was goal keeper :D]

this is so fun :D

Monday, February 9, 2009

i realised i haven posted for a rly rly long time :D
haha slacker. anw last sat me and sherilyn tan went to mediacorp for the new show, ping pang yuan fliming. yupp its so fun :D hahaha. :DD its quite hilarious. the akira guy. cnt wait for it to show. wan see th entire storyline. its damn cool la. that part when he dunno wad to shout
"so wo yao han shen me?"
"errr wo zhi dao! shoa!"
"huh? shen me bua song"
"aiya soak without a k la"

haha that's how lame they are. its damn funny :D
another funny part. me and sherilyn din dare to go and ask him to take photo with us, so we went to ask leck hui. then she was like aiya no nid scared one, he's super nice and friendly (he is la:D) then later sherilyn was like huh, how ask. then she said "dai yang tian, ni ke bu ke yi gen wo men pai zao" as in she whispered to sherilyn tan la. then later he heard for some reason. he was packing his stuff, back facing us. then later he turned around, just when sherilyn finally mustered enough courage to ask, then he was like "wo ting dao le. hao le, xian zai ke yi pai le" T.T its damn lame, but super funny and paiseh. haha. ok, i lazy post le xD photos below :D

 this is at the receptionish outside. its rly pretty :D sherilyn wanted to stand cos she said it makes her look taller T.T

super pissed off today. pe was like a super waste of time lurh. nvm. later we get to play by ourselves. tried shang shou fa qiu. it cnt even go over the so low net. wtf la. there's sth wrong with me. if i cnt even fa properly i think i cnt even go to rj la. T.T my xia shou is still ok. just the bloody overhand serve that piss me off. freak la. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Name someone from A-Z
A-annabelle :D
C-cheryl TAN
F-Felicia Chin (copy hanzhen:D cnt think of anything)
I-i shan :D
O- no idea

2) Can R & S be together in a BGR?
how would i know. it will be GGR

3)How is L related to you?
cca mate

4)Does Y know Z?
yeah duh

5)If C betrays you,will you kill her/him?
haha i dunno T.T

6) If K steals your girlfriend/boyfriend, what would you do?
wait till the day she does --ll

7) What if E tells you that he/she has a crush on you?
haha i will wait and see :D

8) Will you and M get into fight?
yeah we did and i totally regretted it cos it kindda lasted till now.

9) Who does R have a crush on?
nv say how i know

10) If G calls you a bitch, what would you do?
i don see her de nowadays

11) What's the relationship between you and E?
Classmates, obs tent mates and watch mates :D <3

12) Who is C's best friend?
me? :D haha i dunno

13) Who does Z like?
oopps i dunno ):

14) What color does Y like?
what's white blue and yellow? :D PS, its a ball

15) Where does G live?
dunno leh

16) Did you and C have a fight before?
nt fight la. more of like quarell

17) Who is H's best friend?
me :D haha, that's easy, JINGWEN la.

18) What can you say about T?
LOVES :D haha. undescribale with words lurh

19) What if W tells you that he/she has a crush on you?
haha she's so pure and innocent and straight T.T

20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz
Anyone who reads this will have to do :D

this is fun :D

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